Hey there young people hope you are well and as we enter August, let’s talk about disability inclusion and why it’s so important for all of us. Disability refers to physical or mental conditions that can limit a person’s movement, senses, or activities. It comes in various forms, such as vision impairment, deafness or hard of hearing, mental health conditions, intellectual disability, and more. The list goes on, but I know you get the idea.

So, what is disability inclusion if I may ask? It’s simply about making sure every individual, regardless of their abilities, has the same shot at participating in every aspect of life. We want everyone to thrive and pursue their dreams to the best of their abilities and desires. It’s not just about patting people on the back; it requires real action and thoughtful policies in our communities and organizations.

The goal of this inclusion is to encourage people with disabilities to be part of everyday activities, just like their peers without disabilities. This means they should have roles that are just as significant and fulfilling. We’re talking about being a student, worker, patient, spouse, partner, or patient—all of it! But remember, it’s not enough to cheer them on; we need to create an environment that truly supports their involvement.

Inclusion can lead to incredible things. It opens doors to increased participation in various life roles and activities. Think about enjoying social activities, using public resources like transport and libraries, receiving top-notch healthcare, and engaging in day-to-day activities like anyone else.

You might wonder why disability inclusion is such a big deal. Well, here’s the thing: globally, there are over one billion people affected by disabilities, according to the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. That’s a massive number of individuals who face challenges in fully participating in society on an equal basis with others.

And it doesn’t stop there. People with disabilities are three times more likely to experience heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, or cancer. Adults with disabilities are also more likely to be smokers compared to those without disabilities. We can’t let this continue; it’s time to change the game.

So, how can we promote inclusion? First, we need to identify and eliminate barriers that prevent people with disabilities from participating fully. Let’s make our spaces more accessible, provide inclusive transportation, and create educational environments where everyone can thrive.

Supportive programs play a crucial role too. Counselling programs promoting physical activity, better nutrition, and addressing substance use are essential. Regular health check-ups and screenings for illnesses like cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases can be life-saving.

Ultimately, disability inclusion is all about embracing diversity and ensuring equal opportunities for everyone. Let’s remove those barriers and create a world where every individual can shine. It’s not just up to organizations or communities; it starts with each one of us understanding the significance of inclusion and taking real action.

So, are you in? Let’s work together to make the world a better place for everyone, no matter their abilities. We got this!

Written by: Namaganda Sharon Your Partner in Embracing Disability Inclusion

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