"Using two condoms at the same time-either two male condoms or a male and female condom- is not a good idea as the friction may result in one or both of the condoms tearing. If you want to take extra precautions against pregnancy when having sex, and are concerned about the possibility of a condom breaking it is better to use another form of contraception. For example, using a contraceptive pill, patch, vaginal ring or IUS as well as a condom will ensure that you both have double protection against pregnancy as well as protection against STIs."
"Pulling out before the man ejaculates, known as the withdrawal method, is not a foolproof method for birth control. Some ejaculate (fluid that contains sperm) may be released before the man actually climaxes. In addition, some men may not have the willpower or be able to withdraw in time."
"Pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP) is a way for people who do not have HIV, but are at a very high risk of getting HIV, preventing HIV infections By taking a pill every day, someone exposed to HIV through sex, injection or exposure to infected blood, can keep the virus from establishing a permanent infection. When taken daily and correctly, PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV infection. However, PrEP only protects against HIV infections and not all other STIs like gonorrhea, Chlamydia, or syphilis. PrEP also does not prevent unwanted pregnancy. Only Condoms do protect against HIV/AIDS, STIs,"