Sex Talk


Geo Steady

If its not on, Its not Safe featuring GNL , Jazmine, Ray Signature, Jody Phibi & Big Trill

“I HAVE HIV NOT AIDS” Maj. Rubaramira Ruranga Speaks Out On His HIV+ Life.


majority Did you know that the vast majority of young people learn about sexual matters and HIV through their friends? Source: UNICEF


"Can you can get an STI from a toilet seat?"

"No, you can not! You get STIs by having sex (vaginal, oral or anal) or by skin-to-skin touching--not from toilet seats."

"Can fingering or a hand job lead to pregnancy or an STD?"

"There’s almost no risk of pregnancy from fingering or hand jobs. If a person has dirty hands and touches another person’s genitals, they can spread germs or bacteria. It’s possible, but not likely, to spread a sexually transmitted disease (STD) this way. However, there’s a very small chance of starting a pregnancy if semen gets on one partner’s finger and that finger is put immediately into the vagina. It’s a good idea to wash hands before and after any sexual contact."

"Can a person with syphilis spread the disease?"

"Yes. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease. A person with syphilis can spread the infection during the first two stages of the disease. If you come in contact with an open sore (first stage) or skin rash (second stage), you can pick up the bacteria that cause the infection. If the bacteria enter your body through an opening such as the penis, anus, vagina, mouth, or broken skin, you can get syphilis. If a person has had syphilis for more than two years, it's unlikely that he or she can spread the disease. Don't take a chance. Use a lubricated…"

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