
Impact of the Peer Educator’s Academy

The 2016 3rd Annual Youth Health Camp #LIfeInMyShoes


31% of (PLWH) Depression in Uganda and elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa is common among persons living with HIV (PLWH); A recent analysis found depression prevalence of 31% among PLWH in Uganda, which is nearly 10 times higher than prevalence estimates in the general population (3.35%) Source: BMC Psychiatry
Age of 25 The vast majority of HIV infections occurs in adults over the age of 25. Source: UNICEF


"Can I get a sexually transmitted disease (STD), including HIV from kissing?"

"No, the amount of virus transmitted through saliva in a kiss, is too little to infect someone else with HIV. BUT; if there are open sores in both mouths and blood is coming out, then there is a chance of HIV transmission."

"Can a person with syphilis spread the disease?"

"Yes. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease. A person with syphilis can spread the infection during the first two stages of the disease. If you come in contact with an open sore (first stage) or skin rash (second stage), you can pick up the bacteria that cause the infection. If the bacteria enter your body through an opening such as the penis, anus, vagina, mouth, or broken skin, you can get syphilis. If a person has had syphilis for more than two years, it's unlikely that he or she can spread the disease. Don't take a chance. Use a lubricated…"

"Can someone get HIV immediately after having sex with an infected person?"

"YES you can get HIV/AIDs however, you can only know your status within 72 hours after doing an HIV/AIDs test. If you are not sure of your partner's status, then it is advisable for you to take PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis)and wait for 90 days which makes it three months of waiting."

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