Gender Issues


Ambassador Per Lingarde about Gender based violence

Brave Girls League

Kinaawa High School Outreach


40-70 % Girls with disabilities experience discrimination and heightened vulnerability on account of their gender, age, and disability, and girls with intellectual disabilities are particularly vulnerable. It is estimated that between 40 to 70 percent will be sexually abused before they reach 18 years of age. Source: Plan International
25% of Ugandan girls between the ages of 15 and 19 had already given birth or were pregnant Teenage pregnancy rates in Uganda remain high. According to the Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2016, 25% of Ugandan girls between the ages of 15 and 19 had already given birth or were pregnant. This indicates a need for continued efforts to address teenage pregnancy and provide comprehensive SRHR education and services. Source: Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2016


"Can guys be raped, too?"

"Yes. Often, people hear the words “rape” or “sexual assault” and automatically figure the victim is female. This isn’t always true. Males can be raped. Females, like male can rape people. Regardless of how rape is defined legally, being forced to do something sexually that you did not agree to is always wrong and can have lasting effects, regardless of your sex or the sex of the person who raped you. A guy can be penetrated by a penis or object, anally, for example. And despite what some people think, a guy can also be forced to have vaginal intercourse.…"

"Can I stay with a very jealous boyfriend?"

"Many times we get deceived that to love is to be jealous that true love is when it hurts to see the other with another but we are wrong, that is selfishness so if he really loves you, he should be willing to trust you with other people. Therefore if they can’t trust you with another person especially the opposite sex. Then he is not in love with you but lusts to spend time with you. I recommend that instead of stressing yourself with how what you do might make them feel takeoff time to better yourself as an individual…"

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