

Kinaawa High School Outreach

World Contraception Day Celebrations


100 million 100 million women worldwide currently rely on the pill as their primary method of contraception. Source: netdoctor


"My boyfriend says we don’t need contraception, because he will pull out at the last minute. Is this a good idea?"

"Not really. Withdrawal, or coitus interruptus as it's known, is not a good way to avoid pregnancy – partly because boys may leak sperm before they come. Also, guys have a dangerous tendency to 'stay in that little bit longer' – until it's too late. Do not risk if you are not ready to have a baby. You need to visit a health worker to decide which contraception method(s) works for both of you."

"I am thinking of trying the Pill, but my mother says it’s dangerous for younger women."

"She has this the wrong way round. The risks of the Pill aren't all that big, but they're much greater in older women. In the age group 16 to 25, the danger of serious side-effects from the Pill is very small – unless you are a smoker or have other risk factors, such as a history of clots or a family history of relatives who had heart attacks or strokes at an early age. You will be asked about these things when you first go to a doc to obtain the Pill. She should also check your blood pressure –…"

"Can I end my own pregnancy by falling down the stairs or drinking an herbal tea?"

"No, you can’t end your own pregnancy by falling down the steps or using an herbal remedy. There are a lot of myths about how to end a pregnancy. It is impossible to tell which ones might work, which ones don’t work and which ones can be very dangerous to your health and even your life."

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