

#IGDUg16 Power Quotes #1


24% of girls Family planning would reduce teenage pregnancies, which currently stands at 24% of girls between 14-19 years old. Source: UNFPA


"Can fingering or a hand job lead to pregnancy or an STD?"

"There’s almost no risk of pregnancy from fingering or hand jobs. If a person has dirty hands and touches another person’s genitals, they can spread germs or bacteria. It’s possible, but not likely, to spread a sexually transmitted disease (STD) this way. However, there’s a very small chance of starting a pregnancy if semen gets on one partner’s finger and that finger is put immediately into the vagina. It’s a good idea to wash hands before and after any sexual contact."

"Can a woman get pregnant using the withdrawal method of birth control?"

"Pulling out before the man ejaculates, known as the withdrawal method, is not a foolproof method for birth control. Some ejaculate (fluid that contains sperm) may be released before the man actually climaxes. In addition, some men may not have the willpower or be able to withdraw in time."

"Can I end my own pregnancy by falling down the stairs or drinking an herbal tea?"

"No, you can’t end your own pregnancy by falling down the steps or using an herbal remedy. There are a lot of myths about how to end a pregnancy. It is impossible to tell which ones might work, which ones don’t work and which ones can be very dangerous to your health and even your life."

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