"YES you can get HIV/AIDs however, you can only know your status within 72 hours after doing an HIV/AIDs test. If you are not sure of your partner's status, then it is advisable for you to take PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis)and wait for 90 days which makes it three months of waiting."
"Oral sex may lead to the woman developing throat cancer due to the Human Papilloma virus (HPV), the same virus that causes cervical cancer. If the man is already infected with the virus, there is a high risk of the partner developing throat cancer if they engage in oral sex. The symptoms of cancer may take a short time to show if one is a smoker or takes alcohol because these substances increase the risk of developing the cancer. If the woman has HPV and the man engages in oral sex, he also may develop throat cancer."
"Some STDs are there for life, like herpes and HIV. Others, like chlamydia and gonorrhea, can be treated, but you may get infected again if you have sexual contact with someone who has them. What can you do? Protect yourself with condoms, of course! And if you’re having sex, let your doctor know so you can get tested regularly. If you do get diagnosed with an STD, your partner should be treated at the same time you are. That way your partner will avoid future problems — and avoid reinfecting you"