At the expense of their lives, many boys and girls have given in to keeping up appearances, as well as financial and economic situations have led many young girls and boys into the habit of having someone to help them fill the void, often known as sugar daddies/mommies. This habit has led to the growth of Cross Generational Sex (CGS) which has been known to be one of the major causes of the high levels of HIV/AIDS acquisition in Uganda today.

Having Sugar daddies/mommies has now turned into a common trait for girls and boys at University, and it has been embraced by many regardless of the many risk factors that could befall them. To many girls and circumcised boys, HIV/AIDS seems to have turned into a by the way as they are even known to have multiple sexual partners of ages beyond their own.

We have seen this occur even at the helm of education especially in our universities like the case of sex for marks at Makerere University. Success is the result of hardwork, and young people should divert from expecting without actually working.

Studies have indicated that many girls aged 15-24 are involved in Something for Something Love with men who are at least 10 years older. Although less common, boys also have Something for Something Love with older women, and many young people also have Something for Something Love with people of the same age although this is also not very common as they often have nothing much to offer save for sexual satisfaction- sometimes.

Of recent, girls have the power to negotiate and bargain for relationship formation and continuance to the extent that they can choose the types, characters, and number of partners they want/can have and would discontinue any relationship should gift giving stop.

Talk about a certain level of slavery, once in a something for something kind of love, the young girl or the boy often have no control over sexual intercourse, on whether to use condoms or to use contraceptives thus increasing the spread of HIV, unintended pregnancies and whatnot as the mature person always has full responsibility of what happens.


We should all stand together and stem the tide of a deadly practice that Cross Generational Sex (CGS) is now a lethal killer that is claiming lives, destroying homes and families and robbing young girls of their futures~ Say NO to sugar daddies, say NO to sugar Mommies.

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