Job Requirements


Bachelor’s degree

Work experience:

5 years

Language skills:


Job Summary

Contract Type:

Full time

The Results-Based Financing Expert contributes to the attainment of the specific objective of the activity, in the role assigned to him/her by the project documents (TFF, agreement, or contract) namely, in general, to provide specialist technical support to the activities of the projects at implementation 1 level, especially in the areas of Results-Based Financing and Health System Strengthening, to be transferred to the partner. On this note, Enabel in Uganda is seeking to recruit ONE Results-Based Financing Expert (RBF Expert) as well as a pool recruitment
Qualification Required:

• A Bachelor’s degree in Clinical Medicine, Health Economics, Pharmacy, Public Health, Health Administration or any other Health-related Medical qualification from a recognized University

• A Master’s degree in Public Health, Health Economics and Health Administration

Knowledge and Experience:

• A Minimum of 5 years of professional experience as a specialist in the field of Public Health or Health Economics

• At least 3 years experience in working with the Public Health system of Uganda

• At least 3 years working experience in the field of Results-Based Financing

• Experience in working with Bilateral agencies and development co-operation

• Good analytical and experience in strategic alignment with Project goals

• Good knowledge and experience about Project design and Project cycles

• Good understanding of M&E frameworks and Health Indicators

• Knowledgeable about knowledge management and capacity building

• Knowledge of Logic Framework, Health Indicators, Monitoring and Evaluation tools

• Good knowledge about the National Health System of Uganda

• Good communication and facilitation skills

• Excellent knowledge of MS Office (Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) and use of Internet tools

Salary Package Enabel will offer a Gross salary package of between UGX 10-12 Million, medical Insurance, and a 13th Month package paid in December. Salary is in accordance with the years of experience.

How to apply

Interested applicants should submit their hard copy applications including a cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV) of 4 pages maximum, and copies of relevant academic documents with names of at least 3 professional referees; their emails and telephone contacts to:

The Human Resource Officer;

Enabel in Uganda

Plot 1B Lower Kololo Terrace

P.O. Box 40131



As Results-Based Financing(RBF) Expert:

Main tasks

• Analyze the situation and the needs of the Project: and prepare plans accordingly

• Contribute to updating the Theory of Change of the intervention and to adapting, where applicable, the proposed chain of results

• Contribute to defining and planning the activities to be realized to contribute to the intervention results

• Support the field teams in developing content, terms of reference, and guidelines for capacity building and performance review activities

• Participate in capacity building, supervision, and mentorship, performance review activities when required

• Contact and establish relations with all interesting or needed stakeholders especially at the central level

• Provide and coordinate the necessary technical input to achieve the results (colleagues, national partners, national and international consultants, etc.)

• Supervise M&E activities of the project so that the performance of the intervention can be reliably and accurately measured

• Supervise development and completion of the databases in order to allow for digital and up-to-date management of information

• Provide for mechanisms and methods allowing for correct scientific monitoring of achievements

As Technical Advisor in Results-Based Financing:

Main tasks

• Remain informed of recent interesting evolutions at the national and international level on result-based financing

• Participate in scientific and technical forums in that specific area

• Carry out required prospecting to remain innovative and creative in achieving the expected change

• Provide structured and comprehensible feedback to all team members

• Produce, depending on the needs, the necessary strategy and technical papers with and for the partner.

• Participate in the strategy dialogue at the sector and technical level

• Ensure the dialogue with national and international institutions and Organisations

• Participate actively in the harmonization, coherence, and coordination between different TFPS

• Actively contribute to the elaboration of proposals if requested

As Knowledge Manager:

Main tasks

• Organize in the intervention knowledge management and knowledge-building system with the objective of contributing to the national learning on RBF

• Update the factual data (evidence) to be fed into the decision-making process.

• Put in place genuine learning dynamics through permanent monitoring of activities fostering short learning loops

• Create a setting that is conducive to learning, writing, reflection, self-criticism, and self-assessment

• Train actors in literature research, in writing scientific or popularizing project articles

• Introduce new technologies and methods in the learning process

• Deliver the generated knowledge and factual data to the appropriate level

• Document best practices and lessons learned throughout the project to prepare for capitalization events

• Coordinate the production of the M&E and strategic learning section of quarterly and annual reports

• Contribute to mid-terms and end-term evaluation

• Produce strategic, policy, and technical communication about the progress of the project

• Produce factual data (evidence) about innovations and achievements and present them (posters, presentations at conferences…) so to feed the policy debate at the national level

• Organize and coordinate capitalization and dissemination events

As Facilitator/Support to Change Process:

• Advise partner entities on actions to be taken to improve their management as well as how to implement these actions

• Facilitate the change process,

• In association with the partners, adapt the Organisational structure, optimize the processes, improve the systems and strengthen staff competencies.


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