It’s obvious that most of us have been in relationships with lots of huddles including fights, screams, hurling insults on each other, and we could not contain it anymore. This could maybe be because bae cheated with some other “channa” (chic) or dude or for some other reason.

You feel you can’t contain it anymore despite the sincere love you had for him/her, do you think of calling it quits. However, days and weeks pass, after having lots of thoughts you finally make that painful decision simply because yes, you are not that type of person who can handle cheats.

Things go down south, and you are going through a very tough phase of heartbreak, but hey it’s not the end of it all. You still have a whole life ahead of you to find better people and do greater things.

A lot of young people especially chics go through these heartbreak “iish” that leaves them bleary-eyed, shaken, and afraid that they have lost a soulmate, or you have been cheated on or cheated on someone and you’re feeling upset and confused. It could have even happened that you broke up a while ago but have just seen on Instagram or Facebook that your ex is posting a million pictures with his new bae and you can’t help but think “maybe I shouldn’t have let them go” or “I’ll never find a love like that again” or “I’m not as good as her.”

How do you deal with that heartbreak? Here are some ways to help you get through this;

1. Feel the feelings and don’t force yourself to “just get over it.”

Getting over a broken heart can take a lot of energy, work, and time. Don’t try to force yourself or listen to anyone who says “just get over it”. You might think you’re over it, then have a dream about this person and get flushed with feeling all over again. It can take a long time, and that’s okay.

2. Get the energy out.

This is especially needed if you’re feeling a lot of anger. Anger, sadness, anxiety, grief, depression, are all energies that want to be released from your body. One of the best ways to get the energy out is to get moving. Go for a run while blasting your favorite music through your headphones. Punch a punching bag. Get your sweat on in some way, and do it consistently.

3. Forgive.

Forgiveness is not about the other person or letting them off the hook. Forgiveness is for YOU. In fact, the definition of forgiveness is to stop feeling anger or blame at someone who has done something wrong.

4. Be honest with yourself.

Be honest with yourself if you’re truly wanting to get over a broken heart or if you’re harboring secret hopes that the two of you will get back together. While this is not wrong in any way (many of us feel it!), if the relationship is over, it will definitely impede your progress of moving on.

5. Take back your personal power.

Get back to your own personal power as soon as you can. You may not be able to control what your ex does, but you can control your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You can choose to see this relationship for the gift that it was. It was not just there to cause pain. It was there to help you evolve through this journey of life, learn to love and learn to let go.

6. Live an outstanding life.

Don’t allow this breakup to continue hurting you by hardening your heart and closing off to new love. Get out there. Meet with friends. Live. Laugh. Love. Be happy.

The secret to getting over a breakup lies within you. If you find yourself continuing down the same path with the same type of guys or girls, then commit to uncovering and healing your patterns. Keep faith that you will find amazing soul level love. Fam you deserve it.

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  • * Get back to your own personal power as soon as you can. You may not be able to control what your ex does, but you can control your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You can choose to see this relationship for the gift that it was. It was not just there to cause pain. It was there to help you evolve through this journey of life, learn to love and learn to let go.
  • *

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