Q: Can fingering or a hand job lead to pregnancy or an STD?

Senga 4 mins ago

There’s almost no risk of pregnancy from fingering or hand jobs. If a person has dirty hands and touches another person’s genitals, they can spread germs or bacteria. It’s possible, but not likely, to spread a sexually transmitted disease (STD) this way. However, there’s a very small chance of starting a pregnancy if semen gets on one partner’s finger and that finger is put immediately into the vagina. It’s a good idea to wash hands before and after any sexual contact.


  1. Jose

    There is what we call cross infection. touching ones genitals with infection and touching self with wet hands (with sexual fluids ) from ur infected partner course infect you. (syphilis, candida, trichomoniasis , gonorhea, hep .b , herpes simplex, HpV(if one has warts. this is very infections). Screening for STIs is very important before any sexual encounter .As well as practicing healthy sexual habbits. using ur mouth in ones sexual organ could put u at risk unless u are sure of ur partners health. therefore faithfully and having few sexual partners(one)reduces ur risk.

  2. Ssewakiryanga Sharif male.

    On my side what I think is,if someone uses any thing which is not suitable at that moment.
    LIKE using your hands and other objects it causes dea.

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