100 million 100 million women worldwide currently rely on the pill as their primary method of contraception. Source: netdoctor
31% of (PLWH) Depression in Uganda and elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa is common among persons living with HIV (PLWH); A recent analysis found depression prevalence of 31% among PLWH in Uganda, which is nearly 10 times higher than prevalence estimates in the general population (3.35%) Source: BMC Psychiatry

“If we want our youth to grow up safe, healthy, and ready to succeed, then all youth need the knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions about sexual health.”

Hawaii Youth Services Network Youth organization

I don’t like using condoms

"I think, you should try abstinence but since you claim being very sexually active, I guess that’s not an option for you. I advise you to fall in love with the condom as it is the only solution to your…"